
Showing posts with the label Plugins

Free Business Profile Osclass Plugin

  | Free Download | om admin to remove profile as well. Monetize Osclass Business Profile Plugin provides option to monetize your site using  Osclass Pay Plugin . When plugin is installed, you can choose groups in those membership is required in order to have profile active. This means, that when user purchase membership, profile is automatically activated (auto-validation can be disabled) and when membership expires, business profile is disabled automatically. Based on  attr  (attribute) field in Osclass Pay Group, you can also define to which  type will be user's profile assigned automatically (Basic, Pro, VIP). Show Store on Map If you have Google Maps Plugin installed (free) and API key for google defined, plugin will add link to show store on map, if location has been set by user. Map is shown in place of cover image that ideally re-use space. Contact Seller User can click on button and simple contact form will be available to drop an email to seller. Phone numbers are shown a

SMS Notification and Verification Plugin Free

  |   Free Download   | SMS Notification and Verification Osclass Plugin allows visitors to verify their phone numbers via SMS on their osclass account or listing as well as receive SMS notifications from classifieds. Phone number verification via SMS Customers on your osclass classifieds will need to verify phone number used on account registration as well as when new listing is published or modified. USER ACCOUNT PHONE NUMBER VERIFICATION When new user register, there is need to provide phone number to complete registration. Once number is entered, default registration process continues to phone number verification. User may not complete phone number verification, but in that case will not be able to enter user account section until phone number is verified via SMS. LISTINGS PHONE NUMBER VERIFICATION Once new listing is published or modified, where phone number has been added to this listing, user is required to verify this phone number via SMS. If number has been already verified (i

Rest API Osclass Plugin Free Download

|  Free Download  |   Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards?   Rest API Plugin for Osclass   can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to different systems synchronization of multiple osclass installations reading data into different system works great with  Ad Importer Plugin for Osclass   Easy to use Every plugin should be simple to use, and even Rest API is pretty complex and robust solution for sharing and getting osclass information, usage cannot be simpler! Let's just quickly look how easy is to get data using rest api for osclass: Get osclass locations Get listing data Get category listings Get category data Get latest items Get currency list Sample link to get data:

Casablanca is a city in Morocco that is one of the major cities in the country

  Casablanca is a city in Morocco that is one of the major cities in the country. It is the second capital of Morocco and is famous for its natural, cultural and historical beauties. There are many places to visit in Casablanca, such as the Casablanca castle, the island, the main street, the modern street, Moroccan markets, Islamic galleries, museums, the beach side of the city, and many more. It can be visited by a guided tour or by self-guided method. Casablanca is a city with a long history, dating back to the eighteenth century, when it was established by Prince Mohammed II as the capital of the Islamic Maghreb. Known for its natural beauty, the city is also known for the rich culture and history shaped by the many famous people who spent their lives in Casablanca. Casablanca is a city that includes many important historical and cultural places, such as the Casablanca Castle, which is one of the most important historical buildings in Morocco, the island that includes many cultural