Free Business Profile Osclass Plugin


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om admin to remove profile as well.

Monetize Osclass

Business Profile Plugin provides option to monetize your site using Osclass Pay Plugin. When plugin is installed, you can choose groups in those membership is required in order to have profile active.

This means, that when user purchase membership, profile is automatically activated (auto-validation can be disabled) and when membership expires, business profile is disabled automatically.

Based on attr (attribute) field in Osclass Pay Group, you can also define to which  type will be user's profile assigned automatically (Basic, Pro, VIP).

Show Store on Map

If you have Google Maps Plugin installed (free) and API key for google defined, plugin will add link to show store on map, if location has been set by user. Map is shown in place of cover image that ideally re-use space.

Contact Seller

User can click on button and simple contact form will be available to drop an email to seller. Phone numbers are shown as links with tel: attribute in order to enable quick calls to seller.

Compatibility and versatility

Business Profile Plugin will work with any standard theme and should have no conflict with other plugins. Plugin is based on own stylesheet and these are transfered to other themes as well.

Note: In order to show listings on business profile page, your theme must have loop-single.php file. Plugin use this one to generate listings. If this file is missing, profile will works alright, however listings will not be shown.

On demo, emails are disabled, edits are disabled in order to keep content there.

Use PHP 5.6 or higher.


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