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Casablanca is a city in Morocco that is one of the major cities in the country

  Casablanca is a city in Morocco that is one of the major cities in the country. It is the second capital of Morocco and is famous for its natural, cultural and historical beauties. There are many places to visit in Casablanca, such as the Casablanca castle, the island, the main street, the modern street, Moroccan markets, Islamic galleries, museums, the beach side of the city, and many more. It can be visited by a guided tour or by self-guided method. Casablanca is a city with a long history, dating back to the eighteenth century, when it was established by Prince Mohammed II as the capital of the Islamic Maghreb. Known for its natural beauty, the city is also known for the rich culture and history shaped by the many famous people who spent their lives in Casablanca. Casablanca is a city that includes many important historical and cultural places, such as the Casablanca Castle, which is one of the most important historical buildings in Morocco, the island that includes many cultural